Fresh Beginning

I started my blogging career when I was around 11 and that was because I had some friends that blogged too back then and I, who gets influenced so easily (until now) created a little infamous blog (I still remember the name but it was so cheesy I don't think I should tell it here) and that was when I began to grow my passion towards the blogging world and met new friends.

I think I have over 10 blogs created because I kept renewing my blog every damn year (or maybe every damn month; jk) and I had to rethink of a new blog address every time and that was like the hardest part because I had to create a brand new aesthetic, highly creative and less-likely-to-be-stolen username. And honestly, I'm not the type to rip off all those mainstream things on the Internet and honestly (again), I appreciate creativity more than anything and I love something that I created all by myself rather than being unoriginal, drowning into the mainstreams.

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."
-Herman Melville

Basically, this blog (yes this one that exactly nobody is viewing) right here is my 64887288928939th blog and I hope this one will last forever and ever (lies).
Actually I have my own reasons as to why I created many blogs before and my blogs were managed according to their functions. Yes. Functions.

I have three categories of blogs:

First Category: The Blogs to Blog
Blogs to blog basically means the blogs that I used to share stuffs. And that means the blogs were purposely opened to public and I used them to communicate with other blogger friends.

Second Category: The Personal Blogs
These blogs were like diaries to me. They were not opened to public because (do I need to explain this anymore?) they obviously had my secrets written all over them so why would I expose them? Lol.

Third Category: The Coding Blogs
The coding blogs were the blogs that I used to experiment my HTML codes so that The Blogs to Blog were perfectly designed. If the codes didn't work, I didn't have to worry facing the risks of losing all of my information on The Blogs to Blog. I was the type to never paste and mess up codes on the main blogs straight away back then.

I honestly am feeling extremely hungry right now so I'm just gonna end this post with a vintage picture of nothing but art.



faten.banana said…
Goodluck! c: Rather than deleting my blog, I used to delete all my entries to start all over again XD

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